Ladies and Gents, it is with great pleasure that I present to you...

To say I am over the moon for this cover would be woefully, shamefully, massively inadequate. Please excuse me while I gaze, slackjawed. Feel free to do the same! :-)
And then tell me! What do you guys think?
Love it! Can't wait til it's released :)
YAY!!!!! Finally!!!
You're right... it's a gorgeous cover... and I love the name for book 3... Tempestuous! I love saying it... temp-est-u-ous... ;-)
Congrats Lesley! I can't wait for it to come out!! Rereading the books makes me want to get to this one all the more!!
I had a ball chatting with you over on Eve's Fan Garden! You're a rock star in the world of authors! :D I'm just sorry that I didn't win the ARC! :\
OMFG "squeeeeeeels" I love it, such a gorgeous cover!
That's a gorgeous cover!! Congratulations. :-)
I haven't had the chance to read 'Darklight' yet, no fair!
Congrats though, for the third installment in the series.
=) Many hugs to you**
It is GORGEOUS and I am beyond excited to read it when it comes out!!
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love it!!
Congratulations Lesley!!!!
Absolutely incredible. :) I can't wait till it comes out!
ooooohhhh! I can finally break the secret!! Can't wait to read it Lesley, congratulations!!
p to the s- I'll do a little announcement for you today on my blog.
Fabulous cover:) I cannot wait to read the book!
YES!-explodes-I am so excited! Congrats!-feels like dying now-I hope this series doesn't end with the third though....-twitch-
Beatiful cover model gorgeous!!
I love it!! It looks so wonderful! I cannot wait for it to come out :)
GORGEOUS!!! I think that is the best cover yet and I love the title. Cant wait to read it! :)
YAY!! finally!!!
i was actually worried that there wouldnt be a third book, that Kelly and Sonny's story is over!but...lo and behold "Tempestous" is here!!!
umm...when does is come out?
It looks amazing. I finished the first two books in 3 days...I can't wait until this one is released! You are a great story teller!!!
wait is that girl kelly or someone else? LOVE IT! CANT WAIT
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!! The kids in my literacy program are just as excited as I am to read it!!!!!!!
Just finished both Wondrous Strange and Darklight and you blew me away. I am now having withdrawals, that will surely continue until the release of Tempestuous. I am definitely one of you most ardent fans and will be looking forward to December 21, more than my birthday (also the 21st) or Christmas.
Absolutely beautiful :) I can't wait to read it!
So beautimus!Congratulations on another awesome cover..
Hey! GREAT COVER!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it :)
omigosh! i love this series! the cover is so amazing and the model is gorgeous! i also love the name it is very mysteriuous and seductive! WHEN DOES IT COME OUT????? i cant wait
I cried at the end of darklight!
I LOVE the new cover alot! when does it come out? You killed me at the end of darklight please say tempestous has a happy ending and or another book!
I am a BIG fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When does it come out????????? Can't wait!♥
I believe Tempestuous comes out in December. :-\ (Too far away!!)
i just finished reading wondrous strange! i am rushing to find darklight and catch up xD my goodness the model on the cover is gorgeous! it was drew me to the book!
LOVE it!!! Can't wait to read it!!!
WOW-O-WOW. thats is beautiful!!!!
On and off-topic question. A friend of mine is currently in australia on holiday and i suggested for her to read wonderous strange, but unfortunately she cannot find it. is it available over there?
OMG i love it
i cant wait to read tempestuous
ackkk !!!!
kelley looks so good on this cover
but when do we get to see what sonny would look like?
i mean come on we have to see the cute guy she's in love with
SO excited live for and love your books cant wait till Tempestuous is out!!!!! I love your books!!! <3 :)
I agree with Stephanie i want to see Sonny!!! I still love your books!!!! there amazing cant wait till tempestuous you should make it a movie it is that good!!! <3 u!!! :) ;)
I love this cover! Its so beautiful! But... when are we actually going to now what this book is about? Im dying to know!
Just finished DarkLight..can't believe I have to wait til December the Tempestous!! Great cover!!
Hello Lesley, from the UK (no idea how many commenters from 'over here' you might have...)
Just wanted to let you know that I've read Wondrous Strange and Darklight, as have my two eldest daughters, and we can't WAIT to get our hands on Tempestuous.
You write fabulous books.
No puedo esperar a que salga en España
It looks amazing! Can't wait until I can read it.
I love it! Its so beautiful! and cant wait to read Darklight and then Tempstrous :D i love your work.
Really beautiful cover, can't wait to read the book! I'm curious as to who the photographer and model of your books are, or even the designers of the dresses.
wait is that girl kelly or someone else? LOVE IT! CANT WAIT
Really beautiful cover, can't wait to read the book! I'm curious as to who the photographer and model of your books are, or even the designers of the dresses.
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