I love Autumn. I love it even more today.
Because, two years ago - at this very time of the year - I was on the verge of signing a deal that would make me a Published Author and I was very excited and crazified by the prospect. It hadn't happened yet. But it was this immense, burgeoning possibility setting the horizon alight like a coming sunrise. Ooh - look at me getting all poetic. *blush*
Now, it's happened. I am a Published Author. But what's more is that, today, I got to wake up knowing that, not only was my debut novel WONDROUS STRANGE a reality (as I have every day since last December), but that reality has just been reinforced by the release of the US paperback edition!!
And so I'd like to celebrate that release with you.
Oh look! Sonny remembered to bring Firecrackers! Or maybe that's just Kelley having a bit of fun...

All this after I was lucky enough to be invited to spend the weekend at the Eden Mills Writer's Festival reading and signing under glourious sunshine, beside gleaming streams in a field full of bees and gracefully fading hollyhocks. It was a fantastically writerly thing to do.
And then, today, my paperback got to go out and meet the world. I'm so excited for it! It is beautiful and sleek and shiny and portable and has a sneak-peek teaser excerpt from DARKLIGHT in the back! It has - and I think this is SO cool - blogger review quotes in the front cover from (among others) three of my favorite book bloggers: The Story Siren, The Compulsive Reader, and The Dreamer Reader: lovely ladies whose passion for books never fails to warm the cockles of my heart!
So won't you join me in welcoming in the Fall season and celebrating the release of my paperback darling? Queen Mabh will no doubt be serving refreshments in the courtyard of the Tavern on the Green, and Auberon's sure to supply the ice...

And to further celebrate, all this week, if you head over to THE NOVEL GIRLS, you can enter to win a signed copy of the WS paperback! And, as a super-cool bonus, you will also be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card as part of our blogoversary celebrations over there!! I'm tellin ya', it's party-time everywhere!!
Congratulations on the release of the Wondrous Strange paperback!!
I am really looking forward to Darklight and continuing to follow Kelley and Sonny's Story.
Happy Autumn my Friend
Thank you, Rina!
And thanks for the support - it really means a lot to me!
Happy Autumn to you, too.
Congrats on the paperback release!!!
Autumn is also my favorite. I look forward to picking up a copy here in the US of WONDEROUS STRANGE.
Thank you Cait and Devon - and welcome to the party!
Drinks are by the fountain - watch out for the Nyxxie...
Congratulations on the paperback release, and your 2 year anniversary :)
Do you have a picture of the WS blogger quotes? That would be cool to see!
Lesley, i am soo excited!! i can't tell you how much i adore your books. I pretty much fell into step reading Wondorus strange after a trip to the library. i have to admit, i was so sad when i finshed reading it. I really thought the fun was over.. until, i went to search you up only to find that you had more fun awaiting me in the next 250 pages to Darklight (which unfortunatley, i am still on a waiting list for). :)) i can'r believe how incredible you are!! in the similar actions of a great author: *insert muppet arm flail here*
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