A picture really IS worth a thousand words. SEVERAL thousand, in this case! I've been dying to post this... and now I finally can! Without further ado, lovely readers, I present to you the cover art for
DARKLIGHT - book 2 in the

If you ask me, the design geniuses at HarperCollins really knocked this one out of the park. WAAAYY out. *deliriously happy sigh*
I love it! It's perfect on every level. Every girl in the world will rush to buy this book!
Lesley, it's GORGEOUS! I think I like it even better than Wondrous Strange's! So beautiful!
What Lesley didn't add was that this cover picture was taken the SAME DAY as the first one, before even the second book was written. The fact that this picture so suits the second novel, so demonstrates the character's growth from the first, and looks so different and yet obviously similar, is just beyond . . . beyond.
But I still hate that model. And by "hate" I mean "want to be her and wear those dresses".
Oh that is beautiful, Lesley!
oh man that is one delish cover! As a librarian can I even explain how important covers are???!!!
Lesley the cover is amazing, really and I can't wait to read the second book!!! ^_^
Thanks, guys!! I'm so glad you all like it.
And Adrienne's right - the design team at HarperCollins is both phenomenal and psychic!
(And LLL - you are so right. Try as I might to not judge a book by it's cover... well...)
it is BEAUTIFUL!! Wow! I knew it would be awesome, but wow!
Oh my gosh, I love it. It's absolutely stunning!
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it! It gives me chills! I can't stop looking at it!
It's gorgeous, Lesley! OMG I've been waiting ages for the cover. LOL.
This cover is awesome!!! And I love the title! It's sort of strange, because I wrote a poem a few months ago called Darklight.
LESLEY! OMG you lucky, lucky girl. This is the most gorgeous cover ever!! CONGRATS! This will absolutely fly off the shelves.
Amazing cover!! Love it!! What will be the italian title??
Gorgeous cover, congratulations!
Thanks again, guys!
Paradox - how cool!
Jessica - I LOVE the cover for THE HOLLOW.
Federica - I have NO idea what the Italian title will be - something musical, no doubt - but don't worry. As soon as I know, I'll post it on this blog!
delicious! if, as i hope, we 'll see the movie, this girl could be Kelley, surely!..and who could play Sonny? what do you think about, lesley?
Amazing! This is a sequel that I cannot wait to get my hands on! The cover is beautiful...
When is this hitting the stores?
Wow! That is just gorgeous! How exciting! :)
I think it's amazing!! It definately fits the book, with the whole Ney York girl fantasy princess thing. When i Found out about Wondrous Strange, I think i was going crazy wanting to know when the next book was coming out. And Man, The Cover just makes it THAT more tempting. :) Can't wait for it to come out.
I can't see the time to read it!
The first book is simply amazing. From yesterday - when i finished the book - i put it on the top of my list. You're a really good writer, Lesley. I dreamed about this book! I would to write more, and describe to you what i felt reading the book, but i think it's better an e -mail - it can be annoyng :) - and then, my english is too bad. Sorry, I'm italian. Bye Lesley, i wait for the second book!
Thanks again, guys!
I still grin like a kid at a carnival every time I look at it!
Alessandra - She certainly looks exactly how I pictured Kelley in my head, all right. I have NO idea who I'd cast as Sonny! Some fabulous unknown, maybe.
Mrs. D - it'll be on shelves in December of this year.
Jenn and Jenna - I'm excited you're excited! :-D
And Clara - thank you! And your English beats the heck out of my Italian!
Oh, that's gorgeous....
Oh my gosh - I'm so excited! I just read Wondrous Strange and was curious to know if there would be a sequel, so I visited your website.
The cover looks awesome - Can't wait until December =n_n=
Nailed it (in high pitch Jon Stewart voice)
I hope this thread isn't too old to get a response. The cover truely is beautiful. I'm wondering who the model is? She looks a lot like Sienna Guillory, who played Aria in Eragon.
on the cover art why didnt kelley have green eyes? it seemed to be important in the end of the first book with her father saying " you really do have your mothers eyes" oh well...i loved the book! gonna go get dark light soon XD
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