Wednesday, March 7, 2007

It was kind of hard to miss us... Ad Astra, the convention of Speculative Fiction in Toronto last weekend.

Probably onna counta the REDNESS.

And what, you may rightly so ask, prompted this wanton display of roseate fashion sense? This shamelessly rubicund exhibition?

Why the SUNBURST AWARDS charity auction. With yours truly (on the left) and the absolutely fabulous Caitlin Sweet (on the right) as your cheerful haranguers - er - auctioneers, and the divine Ms. Kress (in - you guessed it - the middle) as our lovely and talented Prize Queen.

In fact, Adrienne has blogged in some depth about the event, here, and I don't have a whole lot to add, other than to say it was Bags of Fun!

I just promised I'd post the picture. Fell free to adjust your monitors accordingly.


  1. See? See? THIS, ladies and gentlemen is what happens if you DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MONITOR.

    Poor Dougie. Poor, sweet Dougie (who might be the only guy to actually recognize some of that wardrobe. And, yes, I'm gonna leave it that cryptic *grin*)


  2. I now have an entire collection of sparkly bits.

    Wait, that doesn't sound...ah, never mind.

  3. I am now blind. Thank goodness I can touch type!

  4. Steve - why do you think we always want to change in your hotel room? It ain't for your dull bits...

  5. who might be the only guy to actually recognize some of that wardrobe


    Oh my God! It is, isn't it? Whee!

  6. *adds Caitlin to his growing list of e-vil wimmen folk*

  7. You weren't kidding about red. That's a lot Thanks for the warning to adjust my monitor. I put on shades as well just in case.

  8. Dammit! That's it- I am never missing another Ad Astra again, for any reason whatsoever.

    In my defense, last year it was not nearly as... er... busty. How was I to know?

  9. I still love Steve's line best (though the sparkly and dull bits are nearly as amusing): "It looks like the Pussycat Dolls have exploded all over my room."

    So great to see y'all again. And so MUCH of you, at that *wink*.

