Thursday, January 23, 2014

NOW AND FOR NEVER has a cover! And a CONTEST!!

And it's a BEAUTY!!!

Check it out. Once again the fine folks at Razorbill/ Penguin Canada have gone waaaaayy above and beyond with cover art for the third installment in the NEVER trilogy. 

It's perfect. It's pretty. It's purple.


Past and present collide on the high seas when Clare and Allie hurtle back in time once more in a perilous attempt to retrieve Marcus Donatus—Allie’s blast-from-the-past crush—and put an end, once and for all, to the Time Monkey Shenanigans. But when Clare and Allie unexpectedly find themselves temporal stowaways on a Roman warship full of looted Celtic gold, sailing straight for the heart of a magic-fuelled maelstrom, there’s not much they can do but hang on for the ride—and hope Milo can tap into the Druid lore trapped in his genius brain to help bring them home, before it’s too late. The only thing that’s going to save Clarinet Reid and Allie McAllister now is if they join forces with old enemies, new loves… and unexpected friends.

NOW AND FOR NEVER will hit bookstore shelves in April of this year and I couldn't be more thrilled. Come join Clare, Allie, Milo, Marcus and the rest of the Time Monkeys on the wildest ride of their lives!

Here are all three of these beauties side by side! Collect them all! And, while you're at it...

Add NOW AND FOR NEVER on Goodreads!

And, hey! For those of you who may not have gotten your hands on the first two books yet -- or want more copies to love and/or lend...

I'm giving away a set of 
the first 2 NEVER books 
to one lucky winner!

All you have to do is leave me a note HERE in the comment thread.
If you add NOW AND FOR NEVER -- or any of the NEVER books -- to your Goodreads list, that's an extra entry. Follow me on Twitter? Extra entry. Facebook? That's an extra entry, too. Pinterest? Extra entry. Blog about it? Extra entry. Tweet it? Extra entry. Tumblr? Extra entry... You get the idea! Tally 'em up and mention it in your comment! Then I'll add 'em all up and choose winners by random number generator after the contest closes.

Open until Midnight, EST, February 28, 2014 - and... this one is open INTERNATIONALLY!
(Void where prohibited or otherwise altered by legal restrictions)



  1. I would love to win!!! Congrats on the new cover it looks amazing!!

  2. Added to my Goodreads list.


  3. I would love to have these books your books are amazing and so are you I got to met you and it was the best experience of my life

  4. i would love to win as well!

    im following you on twitter, like you on facebook, and shared on facebook. +3 extra entries!

  5. Hi! Interesting contest idea, by the way.


    I blogged about it. I am already following you on Facebook. I have already added "Once Every Never" to my goodreads "to-read" list. I shared the blog post on Google+. I also shared it on Facebook. (since I don't have twitter...or pintrest)


    Have a nice day! :D

    ~Rachel Rae!

  6. I've wanted to start these for so long.
    It's on my Goodreads shelf and I follow on Twitter and Facebook. Also shared on twitter.


  7. I loved the first book so much, and would love to actually own it along with the second one (which I haven't read and really want to). Great series, Lesley!

  8. What will happen? What will happen?? What will happen??? These questions, in both this time period and the other one (that one with the Romans) are still plaguing us from the first two! We demand satisfaction, or at least more bog bodies...

  9. Oh yeah, I read instructions really well.

    I tweeted, goodreads, commented here, posted on fb, grabbed a Tardis and headed to April...

  10. Added on GoodReads, shared on FB, tweeted, already a follower of Twitter & FB - that's 6 entries I believe.

    Very beautiful cover - I love it. And I really like the title, too. Excellent names for the series.

  11. I have them both on good reads facebook I also tweeted about it and for good measure I have book one on my book self ^-^ hehe fingers crossed I hope I win !! I love these books !!!

  12. Woooo new books!!

    Very nice looking books.


  13. Beautiful cover :)

    Liked on facebook :)

  14. I'm so in love with the cover AND the title. And all the books in this series, really. : )

    I still haven't managed to pick up your others but am excited to do so.

    I follow you on twitter and have retweeted the contest!

  15. Follow on twitter
    shared on facebook
    added to goodreads list
    Pinned to pintrest

    5 points

  16. Heya Lesley!

    Great to see the next instalment of your Never trilogy. The cover looks fantastic! It's very pretty. And very purple. ^_^

    Along with this comment, I'm following you on Facebook and Twitter, so that makes...
    3 entries. *fingers crossed!*

    You've definitely made my day more exciting with this contest, so I thank you for that. ;)

    --Amie L.

  17. What a lovely surprise! I did not even know there was to be a third book:)

    Added it to my goodreads list (Miss Clark there).

  18. Fabulous giveaway! I've had these on my tbr and have wanted to read them for some time!

    3 entries for me (add on GR, Follow on Twitter, tweeted)

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    wishfulendings at outlook dot com

  19. Just finished once ever never and loved it will be adding to my goodreads, Facebook, Twitter and blog. I am also a writer working on my first novel so when you see it out please read and let me know how you like it. Name of book so far is Quantum Planet

  20. I would to get this series. I added on goodreads. Followed on facebook and twitter. I shared on facebook and I tweeted. So I have 6 points. Thank you for all the great books.

  21. I would love to have these!! I fell in love with all of your books!

    I have also added the books on goodreads!

  22. Laura said....
    I Love your books!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Gorgeous cover, Lesley! My daughter Ali gave a great big "SQUEE!!" to see it and she can't wait to read it.

    (I bet you'll be giving a great big "SQUEE!!" too, the first time you hold a shiny new copy.)

    Added it on Goodreads, we're FB friends, and pretty sure I follow you on Twitter, too.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Omigawd i love all your books, imbdying to find out what the third book of the Starling series will hold! I just finished reading Descendant and im dyung for more! I have the whole Wonderous Strange series and im trying to get the. Once every never series but i never get kucky enough to find them and forget to order online when i get paid, winning the first 2 books would be amazing!Especially because you are in my top 5 fave authors and the top spot for Canadian authors cause you're homegrown Torontonian like me! Gotta love itt! So ya, pick me pleaseeee! You would be making this supernatural/mystical/magickal addicts dream come truevand make my freaking year! I love your writing andnall your stories, every book i read is like a movie in my head that nobody but me can see, and i love it. There is nothing better than getting lost in a book, and i get lost in every single on of yours, whether its falling for Fenn, laughing at "Bob", or feeding a kelpie lucky charms in a bathtub, im hooked! I take books to work with me everyday and read during my breaks, i read on the way to work, on the way home and every chance i get in between! Id probably loose my job if i didnt work for my husband lol, i may be over 25, but im still soo in love with my YA books i cant stop reading them over and over again! Oh and im pretty sure i have you on FB, i dont have twitter or goidreads but i do have your books on my wishlist and bookshelf on lol, if i was to win this contest, my own personal lubrary of over 100+ books would be soo much closer to geing complete, i keep all my books in mint condition, on shekves, in alphabetical/series order, im creating a collection for when my girls get to the teen years and want to dive into the magickal realm of all your books! I sooi hope i get picked! Love ya Lesley! You rock! You are total awesomesauce!

  27. Will the e-book version of this be released at the same time as the physical version? I have the first and second books in both formats. There are my favourite rereads, although its much easier to recall something with the e-book version :) Plus I can "highlight" away my my favourite passages from the two books and keep the physical copy in "pristine" condition on my bookshelf. I saw that the paper back is on pre-order on the Amazon site to be released on May 27 2014. Hopefully, the e-book version will be on pre-order soon on KOBO site too. Do you also have these books as Audiobooks?
