Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ONCE EVERY NEVER - The Adventure Continues!!

Last night, I held a party for the launch of ONCE EVERY NEVER. It was an enormous amount of fun that I will tell you guys all about in another post.

What I wanted to say here is that I'm SO excited because last night, my lovely and talented editor at Penguin Canada stood up and announced that there will be two--count 'em--two more books in the series!! So, really? I like it... A LOT!

They are tentatively titled EVERY NEVER AFTER and NOW AND FOR NEVER.

I'm pretty stoked about it! (I'm also a freaking genius at understatement!!!)

I mean - How can I not be thrilled about this?? Especially after all the fun I had last night with this first book!


(How can you NOT have fun when you have a bunch of Roman and Celtic warrior types there to make sure you have fun. Or else!)

(photos yoinked from the lovely Chrystal at He Followed Me Home!)


  1. that costumed guy on the left looks life Gerard Butler. <3
    Congrats, Lesley! Now you'll be the proud author of 2 trilogies :D

  2. That's awesome Lesley! :D
    I can't wait to read the next two books! :D
    And that party looks like it was tonnes of fun...too bad I live in Alberta, and couldn't go. :P lol

  3. Awe... congratulations Lesley!!!

    I just bought Once Every Never and am anxious to read it!!

    I was sooo looking forward to your book launch party but my plans fell through... :*( I hope I can go to the next one... and the next... and the one after that... ;)

    Wishing you tons more success!! You're very talented!! :)

  4. OH MY GOSH! WOOO! Congrats Lesley, wish I could have been there :) so exited for the others in the series!

  5. Awesome news about the follow-up books! Woot! (Haven't started OEN yet. Lynn and I need to finish our current book first.)

    Wish I could've made this launch party too. "And that's a lovely dress you're wearing there, Mrs. Cleaver." No, seriously, ya look gorgeous!

  6. I was reading your post and thought those photos looked familiar! :) I feel honoured that you used them.

    -Chrystal (Snowdrop Dreams of Books)

  7. Congratulations! Sounds fantastic! I am a new follower and I found you via. the Evie-Booksish blog!

    I am so excited to read Once Every Never!

    Bonnie @ HandsAndHome

  8. Congrats on a great launch and on your next two-book contract. Woo-hoo!

  9. Picked up Once Every Never on a trip to Montreal last week. Will the books be coming out in the US eventually? I only get to Canada every four years or so. ;)

    If not, I have friends with postal access!

  10. Thanks for the congratulations, everyone!

    And Kate - yes! As a matter of fact you can preorder Once Every Never now on B&N and AmazonUS! :-)

  11. Awesome costumed! it reminds me a lot...;D
