Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh, Canada! and more wilderness photography!

Okay! An update on what bookmouse99 - in a fit of frustration (a really actually very adorable fit of frustration) referred to as the 'bipolar' posting of the Canadian release dates for Darklight on and the Chapters-Indigo sites - I can finally say this:

As I suspected, the whole thing is a matter of data entry gremlinage. Darklight's Canadian release is NOT being delayed until February. It is, in fact, now listed as IN STOCK on the Amazon site and it is already shipping from the warehouse to real live book stores in the Great White North as I type this. Fellow Canucks, despair not!

And (just in case your appetite needed more whetting - heh) I have another in-the-wild sighting from south of the border sent to me from Erin in Minneapolis! Thanks, Erin!!

I know. That was a little cruel. Sorry. Would it make you feel any better if I said I am positively DYING to see the thing on shelves, myself? No? Bookmouse? Squeak?...


  1. I'm glad it's finally out! I bought mine yesterday and I can't wait to read it!

  2. Me too, browneyedgirl!
    (and now... I'm gonna be singing that all day! *grin*)

    I hope you enjoy it!


  3. Hey!

    I actually ordered my copy off of amazon and was angry when they sent me an email saying it was delayed. Thankfully they fixed the problem and sent me my order which I just found on my doorstep about an hour ago and is now on the desk in front of me. So excited to finally be able to read. So is my friend who told me she's stealing it as soon as I'm done. :D

  4. YES!!!!!!

    I am going to chapters tomorrow (I hope. Its a freaking blizzard here) and am getting the book!!! 13 copies in stock!!

    PS Slightly plozted a little bit when I read this blog entry. Kinda fangirled for a bit. So glad things got figured out. Chapters does this to me all the time.

  5. but when we could have darklight in italian bookshops? it's hard waiting for it!!
